Friday, November 12, 2010

Breakfast Bacon

It has been a month since I've posted last, and I'm really sorry! I have started commuting every week for work and with all the flying, work, and just overall tiredness I have been slacking on my very important blogging responsibilities. It's almost like going to the gym. When you stop going it's so easy to not go... but then when you realize you really need to get back to the gym it takes extra effort to motivate yourself to do it... that's how I feel about my blog right now. I LOVE the idea of it and it all looks and sounds so good, but now that its time to actually step up and get physical, I am just complaining and whining a little... this really is reminiscent of my gym life.

I have been snapping pics of things that have been going on in my attempt to be domestic. One big thing is that Emer has moved into the house!! It has been great, even though we're both working outside of the cities... but it's really nice to share a space! This is where my breakfast bacon story starts.

One morning I decided to be a great girlfriend and make breakfast. I poached eggs, made toast, and had bought this low sodium bacon that I was excited to try out! Emer and I are meant to be and one of the many reasons that reminds me of this is our shared love for slightly under done bacon. That's right, fatty, chewy, delicious bacon! I thought to save some of the calories or extra greasiness I would do the bacon in the oven on a roasting pan. It was great at first, it smelled good and I walked away from it for just a minute.

I went upstairs to grab something quick and may have gotten side tracked with something on tv (I dont really remember, but I think that its probably safe to assume) and then suddenly I heard the smoke alarms going off. I ran downstairs and opened the oven, which was smoking, and in there were little strips of char which used to be bacon. My kitchen and basically the whole main floor of the house was filled with smoke. The smoke alarms were still going off even after I had opened all the windows, so I did what anyone should do and pulled all the batteries out. I was pissed... my favourite part of breakfast was totally ruined.

The Bacon in the roasting pan...

Emer told me it didn't matter that we could eat and enjoy without the bacon, but I was truly disappointed. During breakfast I'm pretty sure I listed all possible reasons how is was not my fault that the bacon was burnt including:
1. There is no light in the oven, making it VERY difficult to see in and check on the bacon.
2. There is no buzzer or timer on the oven, so how was I supposed to remember when I put it in?
3. Low Sodium bacon must burn way easier because of the lower salt content... right?
4. God doesn't want us to get fat, so he burned the 1 lbs of bacon I wanted us to eat... no?

Well, it was hard for me to forget my little bacon burning blunder because for the next 48 hours the wonderful sent of burning bacon lingered in the kitchen and made your eyes water. It was wonderful.


  1. ha ha LOVE this, Katie!
    p.s. I am proud of you purchasing low sodium bacon. There is way to much sodium in the American diet, way to be proactive! ha ha :)

  2. You make me smile. I too have started back at blogging...well we'll see how it goes, but I am going to honestly attempt to keep it up.
