Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lesson 1: Electrical Outlets

Since the idea for this blog came out of left field, I wanted to get caught up on some of the Lessons I've learned so far that's why my postings are all on the same day right now.

Houses have electricity. If your house doesn't, I feel sorry for you because how do you watch Bravo, use a blender to make guacamole, or curl your hair? Anyway, electricity is very important and in my house we have a lot of things plugged in.
So to bring you all up to speed, I have two roommates who live with me! It makes life wonderful!

Last weekend, I got a text from my one roommate telling me the power in her room had gone out but it seemed that the power ONLY went out in her bedroom. I wasn't quite sure why this would be, but let's be honest, why would I have any clue as to why the power went out... I know nothing about that stuff. My boyfriend (Emerson) and I were out and I knew that if I were to come home it wouldn't be till very late, and I probably would be in no state to be playing electrician! We asked my roommate to check the breaker and she told us that the breaker never popped. We had her turn off all the breakers, let it sit, and then turn them all back on except for the one to her bedroom. I told her to leave it off till the morning when I'd be home to "take care of it". I also ensured I called my Dad right away as I figured he'd have the answer and be able to fix it over the phone... but he had gone fishing... UGH how dare he! Kidding Dad.

The next morning Emerson and I set out to try to figure out what the issue was. When I say the both of us, I really mean I watched as Emerson tried to figure it out. We tried the breakers again... nothing. So, I knew I had no choice but to call an electrician.

Let me tell you that electricians on the weekend are not cheap. This guy came over and explained to me the "cost" and what things he could offer but was pretty sure he'd figure it out. He thought (as did Emerson and I) that one of the wires behind one of the outlets in my roommates room went loose causing all of her electricity to go out. He said he'd have to pull out these outlets to find that wire. I okay'd this as I figured I had no other choice.

Off he went starting to pull out things. He started with the ceiling light. Nothing wrong. He then started testing things downstairs at the breaker. Nothing. Then, about an hour and a half later I notice the lights went on in my roommates room.

So happy!
That didn't last very long...

The electrician came out and said that he was a little embarassed but he solved the problem. Now, if you look at the image I posted abaove of the electrical outlet, you'll see those little reset and test switches. All of the outlets in my roommates room did NOT look like that, they were plain old outlets, EXCEPT for one that we didn't see behind her bed!! The electrician then told me that all it was was that the safety switch on that outlet tripped causing the electricity to go out. All we had to do was hit the reset button...... UGH!

The electrician felt bad so instead of charging me the $189 fee plus a $79 service fee (for coming out on a weekend) he charged me an $89 fee plus the $79 weekend service fee. How kind. Thank you sir.

What I learned from Lesson #1:
- Look at the rooms in my own house and know what outlets are where.
- To remember this, I'll continually remind myself of the more fun things I could have bought with that $150+.
- Next time, ask my roommates to check ALL outlets and look for something as simple and silly as that reset switch.

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