Tuesday, July 20, 2010

So, I did it...

First off, let's thank my dear friend Chad Kuyper for giving me the idea to start my own blog about the adventures of owning a home! Thank you Chad! Second, let's thank me for buying a house because if I hadn't, I wouldn't be having all these great adventures! Thank you Me!

So, I did it.. I bought my first home here in beautiful St Louis Park where I'm close to shopping, I have great neighbours, and I now have a lot more space to clean, organize, and call my own. I moved in the weekend of May 28th, 2010 and boy, has it been an experience ever since! Here are some thoughts so far on moving:

1. Make sure you tape the bottom of your boxes. If you are lazy like me and think that as long as you grab the bottom when you pick them up that they'll be fine... you are sadly mistaken.

2. When packing glasses and cups don't stack them on top of each other in the box. Things do shift when moving. I lost many a nice glasses because of that.

3. Measure and maybe visit your empty house before you start moving furniture. I assumed that my set of couches would fit in the basement but sadly, I didn't quite approximate the size of them in comparison to the size of my hallway doing downstairs which ended up in them not fitting and some angry movers.

4. Make sure you have wine. I don't think I would have gotten through my first night in the house without wine.

1 comment:

  1. Wooo!!! Hollaback! Cuz I ain't no....OK, I apparently am a hollaback girl.
